Writers in Schools
One free book. One author visit. Infinite inspiration.
For more than 30 years, our signature education program has brought a diverse range of authors, along with free copies of their books, into DC classrooms. When students meet authors in person, their stories become real, urgent, and meaningful.
How It Works
Students at each participating school receive their own copies of a culturally relevant book ahead of a Writers in Schools author visit.
Who We Serve
Our program serves under-resourced schools, 100% of which qualify for Title I funding. In addition, up to 20% of our Writers in Schools visits serve Latino- and Hispanic-identified students through our Nuestras Voces initiative.

For Educators
If you’re a DC educator interested in working with Writers in Schools, have questions about our programming, or would like to request our current list of available writers, please contact us at education@penfaulkner.org.

For Authors
We’re always looking for writers willing to engage with young people about their book, the writing and publishing process, or the larger themes and ideas in their work. If you would like to become a Writers in Schools author, please contact us at education@penfaulkner.org and read our FAQs.
Your Support Matters
Your support makes our programs possible. Please consider a contribution. Thank you.
Make a secure, tax-deductible gift online
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PEN/Faulkner Foundation
6218 Georgia Avenue NW
Unit #1062
Washington, DC 20011
GIVE by phone
(202) 898-9063
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