The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we live our lives. It has also shown us our weak points and failures as a society. Virus features authors who, in their work, have explored viruses and pandemics as well as the effects of those on human nature.
Literary powerhouses Stephen King (The Stand), Lauren Beukes (Afterland), and Emma Donoghue (The Pull of the Stars) were joined by moderator and author Daniel H. Pink.
DATE | October 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM
LOCATION | Online Event

Stephen King

Emma Donoghue

Lauren Beukes

Daniel Pink
“Another key thing to say about viruses is that even though we talk as if they’re going to affect any human being as much as any other, they don’t at all, and wealth is protective. So viruses are kind of an X-ray of social inequality… You know, a virus might at first seem equalizing, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth.” – Emma Donoghue
“People need to remember that coronavirus is a virus. It doesn’t care about your political party and it doesn’t care what bumper sticker you have on your truck. It doesn’t care whether you think you’re a manly man or whether you need to go to your job. But there are things you can do – you can wear a mask, you can socially distance, you can take reasonable precautions. And if you do those things, the chances are very, very good that this will all be in the rearview mirror.” – Stephen King
“I know it’s boring and overused, but be kind to yourself. We’re living through a very traumatic and weird and lonely, existential, crazy time. So, you don’t have to pile everything on at once. Just be gentle.” – Lauren Beukes